Christians have their Heaven; Buddhists speak of Nirvana;
Wiccans go to the Summerland when their earthly lives end. Many people who’ve
had near-death experiences report being drawn through a dark tunnel toward a
radiant light, emerging in a place where they feel suffused with love and joy.
Their deceased friends and relatives, they say, greet them when they arrive in
the hereafter, welcoming them back to their place of origin. Spirit guides also
show up to usher the recently departed souls into a place of peace after their sojourns
on earth. Virtually everyone who’s ever undergone a NDE or been
regressed/hypnotized through a prior death describes pretty much the same
thing––and what they describe sounds wonderful.

A beautiful web of pink
light envelops all beings here and holds them together in a cosmic “hug.” This
light of love unifies everyone through resonance, and reassures souls that no
one is ever alone––we only experience fear and loneliness when we are separated
into physical forms. In reality, we are all part of an infinite, loving, joyful
network that has always existed and always will. When we realize that we all
come from the same Source and are all linked energetically––that every being is
part of the whole––racism, sexism, religious disputes, and other ego dynamics
that divide us on earth quickly disappear after our bodies die.
In the early 1980s, I experienced a metaphysical occurrence
that Canadian psychiatrist William Bucke called “cosmic consciousness.” Without
intention, without doing anything at all to bring it about, I suddenly and
inexplicably slipped into an altered state during which I felt myself dissolve
into a realm of pure bliss. I lost all awareness of my body and merged with a
beautiful, all-encompassing, infinite pink-white light. Everything in my
earth-world disappeared. I felt totally immersed in a loving consciousness
unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. All suffering, fear, and thinking
evaporated. I have no idea how long that event lasted––seconds? A few minutes? But
it was enough to transform my understanding forever. Much later, after Ron’s
passing, I realized that in those few moments I’d reconnected with my place of
origin, my “home.” This is where we go when we slough off our moral forms and
soar back to the realm of love and light from which we emerged and will ever abide.
This is the home that awaits us when we depart earth.
Knowing that this wondrous world now embraces our deceased loved
ones can ease the pain of loss. But perhaps even more importantly, this
knowledge can lessen our own fear of death. Regardless of what we’ve been
taught about the hereafter––and many of us have been taught to fear retribution
and suffering, hellfire and damnation––our real destination is a realm of infinite
love and peace. It makes no difference what “savior” you believed in, what
faith you followed (or none), or what rituals you enacted. No one gets turned
away. The people we loved on earth who’ve gone on before us are reveling in
that blissful state right now, and they’ll be there to welcome us back when our
time comes. So will our guides and guardians, who’ve been with us since the
beginning of time and will remain by our sides forever.
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